Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Soulmates. Do They Exist?

Do we have soul-mates? This is a question that seems to be quite controversial to most people. Some people believe that there is that one person out there who is just perfect for you while others believe that no such thing exists. There opinions are mostly based on experience or influence by external factors such as movies and even other people.
Well today i share my opinion on the matter. First the negative effect of belief in soul-mates is that it normally leads to being hurt or remaining in a relationship that cannot work just due to the belief that he or she is your soul mate. I honestly would like to say it right here to anyone who is in a relationship that is abusive, whether physically or emotionally, anyone who is your soul mate would not hurt you that way.
Then with a stern face I say this to those who do not believe in soul-mates. You people are the ones who end up hurting others because you don’t give your all in relationships. While holding on may be bad also giving up prematurely is no better.
I guess the question on your mind right now is whether i believe in soul-mates or not. Well my answer is yes but in a deeper sense of the word. I don’t believe that a person has one soul-mate, they are several but not everyone. I believe every individual has a limited number of people who they can be in a successful relationship with.
I also believe unlike most other people who believe soul-mates are predestined, I believe soul-mates are something that grows with time. You meet with someone with the qualities that somehow with time the bond you have strengthens and finally you get to the point where you are inseparable. That in my opinion is a soul-mate and I believe you may not know at first but someday you may meet someone who with time develops into something special and irreplaceable and that person eventually becomes your soul-mate.

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