Tuesday 11 March 2014

Relationships are built on compatibility

Relationships are always a thing of intrigue especially in the age that we are living in. We live in the age where cheating has become almost common place. This trend sadly has found itself even in the matrimonial bed.  If you think this is restricted to men alone then you will be shocked to find that the fairer sex has not been left behind.
This makes you wonder whether people can still have successful relationships in our time.  My personal opinion is that in our age inhibitions like culture and religious inclination have been completely eroded. However there is one aspect where relationships have been given a lifeline, personality compatibility.
People have different personality traits. They can be as different as a simple soft spoken man to a girl who is attracted to the wild side and vice versa. The key in making relationships work in this day and age is to find a partner with the right blend of personality traits that complement your own to create a successful relationship.
It is a bit more complicated than just finding someone with a character that is similar to yours. Honestly if you have a partner who is exactly the same as you then you will get bored and the relationship will end up turning sour. Also, if you have someone who is very different to you you will end up never agreeing and the relationship is doomed for failure. So the sweet spot you are looking for is somewhere in between.
For a relationship to be compatible the first thing you need is someone who has similar relationship principles as you do. by relationship principles I mean the things that are important in sustaining a relationship. Example how you view loyalty, whether you like saving cash or you are spendthrifts, independence and freedom, jealousy and where to draw the line on other sensitive issues.
Next you need to be different in other areas to ensure the relationship never looses its excitement factor. A partner who is different to you in certain ways will always intrigue you as opposed to someone who is so similar to you that you can predict their next move. a certain degree of difference ensures that lack lustre aspect of a relationship is avoided. Having different hobbies and interests ensures you have something new to share with each other.
So the key to relationship compatibility is ensuring you see eye to eye on the important things while at the same time being different enough to keep it interesting. This is the sure way of having relationships that actually work in this volatile age of ours.

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