Sunday 2 March 2014

Academic writing students opportunities for making money

Currently i can say that academic writing in Kenya is one of the most widely used means of earning money online. Academic writing involves writing essays on academics for other people mostly people from developed countries.

Though the practice is shunned upon by those in the academic circles because it means people are getting grades and marks that they have literally paid for but to some it is a means of earning a living.

So question how do you do it? First of all essay writing is one of the most strict forms of earning money online. You need to learn how to write using various writing styles such as APA, MLA, Harvard referencing and Chicago turban.

Most importantly is that you need to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of another persons research, words and even ideas without their consent. Any form of plagiarism normally tends to mean no payment, fines and even discontinuation of your services by the organisations that are outsourcing to you.

So how do you start academic writing? First of all you need an account in various organisations that offer academic writing services. Some of these sites include ,, and others. These are international sites commonly used by those doing essay writing in Kenya.

The main issue is that getting the accounts to work for these companies is next to impossible but there are several methods of getting those accounts. Mostly these accounts give preference to people in developed countries so you need an application that scrambles your computers IP address to give the appearance you are not from a developing country and next you need to ace the tests they give you and then you are free to have an account.

For those who can do this you can instead buy an account from those people who have perfected the art of opening accounts. This usually ranges between 15000 to 80000 depending on the company you will work for. The best thing is that you earn approximately between 3 to 7 dollars per page which is quite an amount to be earning when per day you can do a 10 page essay.

Apart from those international companies we also do have our own home grown companies dealing in essay writing. These include: and among others. So is you think this is the niche you need to earn online then try it and as the saying goes. If you never try you never know.

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