Tuesday 1 April 2014


all events came at a stand still at annex town campus, when 4th years closed the gates to the premises after being denied their academic trip.
rumor has it that the university bus does not have the new speed governer and thus with the new traffic laws it couldn't risk the travel.
the students are mostly mad because there was no official communication on whether it was still off or on, as this they complain for their lost time to pack and prepare for a trip that was not to happpen.

as yet again shame on the poor communication in the school and lack of prompt action to abide to new traffic laws.

a great thumbs down to the management.. booooooooo

Thursday 20 March 2014


Make up done well can make eyes pop,plum up a wrinkled face giving you that magazine cut look.most people think doing their faces is a tedious and time consuming exercise. the key is not even knowing what to apply but how to. the rule of thumb should always be aiming at simplicity and less portions on your face. this is a simple step by step basic on its proper application

moisturize, you'll love it.

dry skin needs to be hydrated before applying any make up. after applying the sunscreen (prefarrbly SPF 30),go for a good moisturizer or foundation primer to plump up the skin and fill in fine lines and large pores. this ensures that the foundation glides smoothly. my recommendation is lanolin hand a body cream found at almost all supermarkets.

brighten the face, for the wow effect.

as we all know ..men are attracted by shinny things
If you have an uneven skin tone, concealers can be a complexion saver. Dot a pink- or peach-colored corrective concealer onto the dark areas under eyes and in the corner of eyes and around the nose and mouth.

Blush or Bronze Adds Color

Once your foundation and concealer are applied, it's time for blush or bronzer -- if you need it. My cheeks are naturally rosy but if your skin lacks color, it's good to add that bit of pop with blush. I love to add a sweep of bronzer to my skin as my tan fades, but it's important to find the right shade of bronzer so you don't end up looking fake baked. Yes, this has happened to me.

Powder is the Last Step for the Face

A sweep of powder sets your makeup and keeps your skin from appearing shiny. You can wait until after your entire makeup is done or apply at this time, it doesn't really matter. For some older women who want to play down fine lines, I recommend skipping the powder and patting on a bit of balm or moisturizer to cheeks to give your face a dewy, fresh-faced glow. Sometimes I spray Evian water on my face to get that dewy look. It's up to you. Remember, there are no rules!

Now, Onto the Fun Part: "Lifting" Your Face

Once you have your "face in place" it's good to step back and check out what parts of you need what makeup artist Bobbi Brown calls "lifting." This is where you evaluate what parts of you need definition. Check out your brows. So many women forget how important the brows are to making your face pop. Brush brows with your finger or an old toothbrush and tweezers any stray hairs. Fill in sparse spots with a brow pencil or a soft eyeshadow that matches your brow color. Set brows if needed with a spritz of hairspray applied to finger and brushed onto brows.
Moving onto your eyes, you may find at this point all you need is mascara with a swipe of powder on your lids to keep the grease at bay and to even out the skin tone. I like a lighter look for day, but at night, it's always fun to play with shadows and liners.
I like to apply eyeliner first, setting it with shadow, but you can apply liner over shadow for a heavier look. It's up to you. 
With eyeshadow, it's best to set makeup with a primer or at least a powder to keep the shadow from melting into your eye crease. If you have oily lids, I strongly suggest a primer, which allows the shadow to "stick" to your lids without moving for hours at a time. If you have dry skin, a light dusting of powder works fine, here. If you are blending a few shadows into your lids, make sure to apply a base of powder over your primer or onto your naturally moist lids. Blending is much easier when shadows are applied on a dry surface.
For eyes, I like to play up the color of my eyes because they're blue and I like it when they stand out. I usually use copper colors, but blues work well, too.
Finish your eyes by curling lashes and applying mascara. 

Finally, the Lips

Usually lips are your very last step. You can go all out with a liner first, or just apply a sweep of gloss. Because nothing really stays on lips for a long time, be sure to keep your gloss or lipstick in your bag or pocket to refresh as the day goes on. you can also fill in lips with a liner to keep color from fading fast.

The Worst Karatina University Event

Last night the string of disappointments that have always plagued events in Karatina University got worse. Comedy night that had been publicly advertised for weeks disappointed the many students who were in attendance. The event was supposed to start at 6 pm till 11 pm but by 1 am none of the artists who were supposed to perform had arrived. 
Signs of the failure started when the university buses were not used to ferry students to the venue in main campus. This meant that most students had to find their own means to the venue. By the time most students had arrived it was already 8pm. Another problem was the choice of an open air event. This arrangement meant that students had to brave the cold Kagochi air. This made the wait a lot more agonizing for those in attendance.
By 12 midnight the students started becoming unruly and they destroyed the stage as most of them started leaving. The students most affected were the town and Itiati students who had to look for means to go back home at 1 and 2 am after a disappointing night. This has officially been the worst event in the history of Karatina University. Students are now asking for refund of the ticket money that they paid for the event.

Shame Shame Shame

Thursday 13 March 2014




Dennis Oliech

He got to the number one spot uncontested thanks to his heels and that ridiculous, ludicrous skirt he wore at blankets and wine.


While I will give a 10 /10 to Oliech for jumping out of the comfort zone and trying something unusual, I give him a 1/10 for plunging into the world of epic fashion fails

When you are in the entertainment industry, your image is everything and a great fashion sense is a must. But you shouldn’t be caught out in ‘kawaida’ clothes in case you are confused for a commoner, make your clothes are distinctive and exquisite, something that will make you stand out from the pack.

Epic Fail! Top 8 Kenyan Celebrity Fashion Disasters (Photos)

When it comes to making fashion statements in the world, Lady Gaga takes the cake for having the most eccentric clothes, from wearing meat to wearing a bear to wearing antlers and lobsters; Lady Gaga has done it all.


While we have not seen any superstar walk around like something that escaped from the Kenya Meat Commission, we have seen some celebrities go out of their comfort zones and try something new and unconventional. Unfortunately even the most carefully planned fashion statements can be an epic flop and a source for hilarity. Here are the biggest celebrity fashion fails so far

Ian Mugoya

I never expected him to be in this list but even the most stylish people have a bad fashion day and Ian Mugoya’s was his Kanye West skirt.

Here is the thing if Kanye wears a skirt he can hack it because he is Kanye, same reason Gaga can walk around in meat and people will call it ‘ the most iconic VMA fashion moment ever’ . You on the other hand just looks like a lost man in a skirt



Huddah Monroe in this outfit


The outfit speaks for itself!http://www.ghafla.co.ke/media/k2/items/cache/4c56a106079b40681bd8a5d9c5bf0111_M.jpg




Betty Bayo

One of the most talented voices in Kenya, this outfit however was a let down


still dont the tights.... fashion succide.....

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Soulmates. Do They Exist?

Do we have soul-mates? This is a question that seems to be quite controversial to most people. Some people believe that there is that one person out there who is just perfect for you while others believe that no such thing exists. There opinions are mostly based on experience or influence by external factors such as movies and even other people.
Well today i share my opinion on the matter. First the negative effect of belief in soul-mates is that it normally leads to being hurt or remaining in a relationship that cannot work just due to the belief that he or she is your soul mate. I honestly would like to say it right here to anyone who is in a relationship that is abusive, whether physically or emotionally, anyone who is your soul mate would not hurt you that way.
Then with a stern face I say this to those who do not believe in soul-mates. You people are the ones who end up hurting others because you don’t give your all in relationships. While holding on may be bad also giving up prematurely is no better.
I guess the question on your mind right now is whether i believe in soul-mates or not. Well my answer is yes but in a deeper sense of the word. I don’t believe that a person has one soul-mate, they are several but not everyone. I believe every individual has a limited number of people who they can be in a successful relationship with.
I also believe unlike most other people who believe soul-mates are predestined, I believe soul-mates are something that grows with time. You meet with someone with the qualities that somehow with time the bond you have strengthens and finally you get to the point where you are inseparable. That in my opinion is a soul-mate and I believe you may not know at first but someday you may meet someone who with time develops into something special and irreplaceable and that person eventually becomes your soul-mate.

Relationships are built on compatibility

Relationships are always a thing of intrigue especially in the age that we are living in. We live in the age where cheating has become almost common place. This trend sadly has found itself even in the matrimonial bed.  If you think this is restricted to men alone then you will be shocked to find that the fairer sex has not been left behind.
This makes you wonder whether people can still have successful relationships in our time.  My personal opinion is that in our age inhibitions like culture and religious inclination have been completely eroded. However there is one aspect where relationships have been given a lifeline, personality compatibility.
People have different personality traits. They can be as different as a simple soft spoken man to a girl who is attracted to the wild side and vice versa. The key in making relationships work in this day and age is to find a partner with the right blend of personality traits that complement your own to create a successful relationship.
It is a bit more complicated than just finding someone with a character that is similar to yours. Honestly if you have a partner who is exactly the same as you then you will get bored and the relationship will end up turning sour. Also, if you have someone who is very different to you you will end up never agreeing and the relationship is doomed for failure. So the sweet spot you are looking for is somewhere in between.
For a relationship to be compatible the first thing you need is someone who has similar relationship principles as you do. by relationship principles I mean the things that are important in sustaining a relationship. Example how you view loyalty, whether you like saving cash or you are spendthrifts, independence and freedom, jealousy and where to draw the line on other sensitive issues.
Next you need to be different in other areas to ensure the relationship never looses its excitement factor. A partner who is different to you in certain ways will always intrigue you as opposed to someone who is so similar to you that you can predict their next move. a certain degree of difference ensures that lack lustre aspect of a relationship is avoided. Having different hobbies and interests ensures you have something new to share with each other.
So the key to relationship compatibility is ensuring you see eye to eye on the important things while at the same time being different enough to keep it interesting. This is the sure way of having relationships that actually work in this volatile age of ours.